The Coffee Drop Cafe

The Coffee Drop Cafe

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hello Seattle!

The Coffee Drop Cafe officially opened it's doors on June 8, 2010. Jenny and I had been percoalating on this idea for a good year but when the actual work started, it went pretty quickly. Jenny and I are idea people and idea people never let silly things like "reality" stand in their way. We know how to run a successful spa business but we had never run a coffee shop. I was never a barista (which seems like a heresy in Seattle). We met Kale Kuhlman, who we originally thought we would hire to consult with us as he is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to opening and running a coffee business. Needless to say, it was love at first site (for me). He was extremely well spoken and passionate about coffee and I wanted him on our team. To run a truly great business, you hire people that are smarter than you. Kale, Jenny and I worked our tails off to gather the best of the best local purveyors of awesome foodstuffs and coffee into one cafe and I think we hit it out of the ball park. I look forward to sharing our story with you as proceed on this journey.

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